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Joyning the Magic Bottle and sickle to the character

Two of my character's objects are his sickle to cut the barley and the magic bottle where he keeps the whiskey he has to drink every 20 bunch of barley collected. I added them in the character blueprint and only modified their size and location.


After creating my character animations in Mixamo, I exported the Skeleton to Unreal. Create four, one idle, walk, drink and drunk, then I added a blueprint to generate variables for all of them.

In the screenshot below, I show all the character variables and the final result of the nodes that I had to generate to create the animations of the essence. For this, I followed an online tutorial that helped me understand how they worked and how Unreal would interpret them in my game.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the variable created for the drink animation works perfectly and it is activated when the character collects the amount of 20 bunch of barley.


To keep collecting the barley, I created a volume sphere that would disappear when my character got close. This makes the illusion that Alastair is picking up the barley. Insert the volume in the barley's mesh and generate a bp for it. Then duplicate the created bp as many times as you want so that at least 50 bunch appears on the game screen.

Setting up the amount the barley to collect for the mecanics

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